Search for suspect underway after woman sexually assaulted in Alexandria

The Alexandria Police Department has detectives in the field today in the vicinity of an alleged sexual assault that occurred overnight.

According to APD, a woman was walking in the area of Mount Vernon and Commonwealth Avenue after midnight. A stranger attacked her, assaulted her, and, as of this morning, she was still being treated at local hospital, police say.

Detectives are slated to spend today canvassing the area and talking to members of the community. Raul Pedroso, the interim police chief, said the department is ensuring the detectives have all the resources needed for this investigation and he announced the department has increased patrols in the area.

“We are committed to ensuring the safety of our community. The search for the sexual assault suspect is a top priority,” he said.

APD is asking anyone in the neighborhood where the incident occurred who has security cameras that may have helpful footage and anyone who saw anything to reach out to Detective Kristina Loerch at 703-746-6785. Tips can remain anonymous.

This is the second late-night attack on a woman in Alexandria this month. The other incident occurred on Main Line Blvd. and also left police on the hunt for the suspect. Several days later police said they identified a suspect that was in custody in another jurisdiction but noted that the investigation was still ongoing.

APD said the current investigation indicates the two incidents are unrelated.

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