When deputies S.M. Craig and N.D. Fonseca responded to a business alarm at 198 Tyler Von Way, the address of Auto Chiefs, they found not only signs of a break-in there but also at Carplug next door, Stafford County Sheriff’s Office reported.
Jerrylee Stacy Adams, a 35-year-old from Romney, WV was found at the scene, according to SCSO. He reportedly told the deputies that he worked for Auto Chiefs and was there to do some drywall work and then was going next door to buy a vehicle.
SCSO said after both businesses were contacted and denied knowing anything about Adams, he was detained.
Meanwhile, the officers working the scene “discovered Adams attempted to break into Auto Chiefs using a crowbar on the front door,” explained a statement from SCSO. That attempt was unsuccessful, and he reportedly “broke in using a broken garage panel.”
Once inside Auto Chiefs, “he tunneled through the wall into the adjacent business, Carplug. While there, he stole keys to a vehicle, a company hat, and a company pen,” the Sheriff’s Office added.

SCSO said it was while he was on his way to get the vehicle that the deputies arrived and found him. And he allegedly had all the stolen items on his person when the deputies made contact.
Adams is charged with two counts of statutory burglary, attempted grand larceny, larceny, possession of burglary tools, and two counts of destruction of property.
SCSO described his initial hearing with the magistrate as “contentious.”
He is currently being held at Rappahannock Regional Jail without bond. He has a preliminary hearing schedule for February 14.
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