VDOT added its voice to warnings about a toll text scam.
Earlier this month, the FBI issued an alert noting that its Internet Crime Complaint Center received over 2,000 complaints since early March about smishing texts involving toll collection services.
Smishing is a tactic whereby fake text messages are used to get people to download malware, share sensitive information, or send money to cybercriminals.
According to the FBI, the smishing texts in this case claim the recipient owes money for unpaid tolls and contain almost identical language. The “outstanding toll amount” is similar among the complaints.
However, the link provided within the text is created to impersonate the state’s toll service name and phone numbers appear to change between states, the FBI’s alert noted.

This week, VDOT issued an alert to raise awareness about the toll text scam.
“Should anyone receive an unsolicited text message suggesting it is from E-ZPass Virginia or a specific toll facility in Virginia, they should not click on the link,” VDOT stated.
“By clicking the link, people could risk giving away sensitive data, including credit card information,” VDOT added.
VDOT advises anyone who receives such text messages, to reach out directly to appropriate to the appropriate facility to verify authenticity. E-ZPass account holders and toll customers can check their accounts and pay tolls by going to the Toll Roads in Virginia website and E-ZPass website, VDOT.
The FBI and VDOT also advise anyone who believes they received a smishing text to file a complaint with the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center at www.ic3.gov. The FBI says those making a report should be sure to include the phone number the text came from and the website listed in the text.
VDOT said, to date, the department isn’t aware of any Virginia residents receiving the toll-related smishing messages. The FBI alert said it’s received complaints from at least three states so far but didn’t disclose them.
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