Former Chesapeake & Spotsylvania teacher facing charges for child sex crimes

A 31-year-old man who taught in Chesapeake and Spotsylvania is now in jail facing charges in both jurisdictions for child sex offenses.

The Spotsylvania Sheriff’s Office announced it recently filed a charge against Daniel Brian Fleming for taking indecent liberties with a child.

That charge stemmed from allegations of inappropriate contact with a juvenile in 2019. According to Spotsylvania Sheriff’s Office, detectives from the Child Victim Unit opened a criminal case after receiving information from Chesapeake, which already had its investigation of Fleming underway.

Chesapeake Police Department stated it received information in January accusing Fleming of being involved with criminal activity involving children, prompting its investigation.

From its findings, CPD charged Fleming with solicitation of child porn and using communication systems to facilitate offenses involving children.

Wavy 10 reported that court documents show Fleming used Snapchat to request inappropriate photos from a 15-year-old boy and to send explicit content of himself to the teen.

Fleming was booked in Chesapeake on April 4, records show. And Spotsylvania Sheriff’s Office said he was still in jail when he was served with the Spotsylvania charge.

Spotsylvania Sheriff’s Office also noted that Fleming was a teacher in Spotsylvania. And both police departments stated that he was employed as a math teacher at a private school in Chesapeake.

Wavy 10 confirmed that Greenbrier Christian Academy was a Chesapeake school were he worked. But based on the news outlet’s reporting, the Academy said he left for a position at another unnamed school.

Spotsylvania and Chesapeake police both reported that Fleming was involved in youth ministries.

According to Wavy 10, River Oak Church in Chesapeake confirmed he was a youth leader there but was let go when the church found out about the Chesapeake charges.

Records show Fleming is being held without bond.

Spotsylvania Sheriff’s Office said detectives are continuing the investigation to determine if there may have been inappropriate contact with any others.

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