Traffic pattern changes on Rt. 17 in Spotsylvania starting today

Drivers in Spotsylvania who use Rt. 17 should be aware that a temporary traffic shift near I-95 went into effect today, March 1.

Southbound traffic on Rt. 17 will be shifted slightly to the right to cross the new overpass of I-95.

The shift is to allow construction crews the space to finish building the median of the new four-lane interstate overpass. And the new pattern will remain in place until construction is complete on the road widening and bridge replacement project.

Northbound Route 17 traffic will continue to cross the original I-95 overpass.

Construction on the $23.5 million project began in Dec. 2020 and was scheduled to be completed in late February 2024, but now the completion date is anticipated in May 2024, according to VDOT

As part of the project, a shared-use path is being built along the southern side of Route 17 and sidewalk is being built along the northern side of Route 17. Pedestrian crossing equipment and crosswalks will also be added at crossing locations.

Permanent change at Glenwood & Overview Drive

With today’s traffic shift, construction barrels along the median will prohibit left turns into Glenwood Drive and Overview Drive from Rt. 17, and left turns out of these side streets.

This traffic pattern change is permanent. VDOT said it was part of the project’s design. In the final months of the construction project, crews will build a concrete median in this area.

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