Virginia lawmakers vote to make cocktails to go permanent

Lawmakers in both houses have decided Virginia should keep the ability to sell cocktails to go.

During the pandemic, Virginia was one the states that allowed the sale of cocktails to go on a temporary basis to help businesses survive through struggling times. As it stands, that ability will expire on July 1, 2024.

House Bill 688, patroned by Delegate Jay Leftwich, and Senate Bill 635, patroned by Senator Aaron Rouse, repeal the sunset date. And the bills give properly licensed distillers, restaurants, and farm wineries a permanent ability to sell mixed beverages and pre-mixed wine for off-premises consumption.

The final vote in the House received overwhelming support with an 81-18 vote. In the Senate, the vote in favor was unanimous.

Although the bill still has to be signed into law by Governor Glenn Youngkin, industry groups are applauding the direction this legislation has taken calling it consumer-friendly and business friendly.

“Local bars, restaurants and distilleries continue to face headwinds with inflation, supply chain disruptions and staffing shortages,” said Andy Deloney, senior vice president and head of state public policy at the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS)”.

“Cocktails to-go offer a stable and important source of revenue for Virginia businesses while providing increased convenience for consumers,” he added.

“During the pandemic, cocktails to-go was a vital lifeline to help keep Virginia’s restaurateurs in business, and it has continued to be a highlight for both restaurant operators and our customers into the present,” said Eric Terry, president and CEO of Virginia Restaurant, Lodging & Travel Association (VRLTA).

“As the restaurant industry is confronted with rising costs on a number of fronts, tools like this will help ABC-licensed establishments maintain their businesses and teams. We are grateful to have worked with our legislative patrons and partners across the alcohol and food service industries to make this permanent,” he stated.

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