Before sentencing for daytime shooting in Newport News, 19-year-old cites ‘spiritual growth’

Hoping for leniency after shooting a man during a weed robbery, 19-year-old Brycen Scott Beal of Newport News, wrote a letter to U.S. District Judge Raymond A. Jackson stating he was “reading books, “studying the Bible for spiritual growth” and wanted to get married.

Beal pled guilty to charges linked to a broad daylight shooting and was sentenced on February 13, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia (EDVA) announced.

Robbery & shooting

Court documents show Beal admitted that, about midday on February 21, 2023, he arranged to meet D.M in the parking lot of Patriots Crossing Apartment Complex in Newport News to buy marijuana. But instead of making a purchase, Beal reached into D.M.’s vehicle and snatched a backpack that had about 6.5 ounces of weed.

As Beal was running off, he admitted to firing three shots at D.M. Two bullets went through the windshield and hit D.M. in the leg.

According to EDVA, D.M. was seriously injured. But he managed to drive off, report the incident, and medical services was dispatched to render aid.

Newport News Police also responded and was able to confirm Beal’s identify from video footage at the apartment complex. Later, authorities found the bag Beal stole at his residence along with a Glock 23 .40 caliber handgun. That gun was forensically matched with the three shell casings from the scene, court documents show.

Beal took a plea deal admitting guilt for one count of robbery affecting interstate commerce, which carries a maximum of 20 years. He also pled guilty to using a firearm during a crime of violence, which carries a mandatory minimum of 10 years up to a max of life.

In his letter, Beal said, “I know I will have to face a punishment from the court and from God. I know what I did was wrong but I’m not beyond redemption.”

He told the judge that right before he was taken into custody he found out he had a daughter and his significant other was expecting a second child. He said he wanted to marry her, get an HVAC certification, and raise his kids.

“Judge Jackson I realize what I did and I know I will face a punishment but I’m asking, well I’m begging for mercy,” he wrote.

In return for his guilty plea, EDVA agreed that it recommend a maximum of 1 day on the first charge and 10 years on the other.

Beal was sentenced to 10 years and a day.

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