Charges filed in 2 drug cases at Deerfield Correctional Center

Southampton County Commonwealth’s Attorney Eric A. Cooke filed indictments against suspects for two separate drug seizures at Deerfield Correctional Center.

Both incidents date back to last summer.

According to VADOC, on August 12, Mary Margaret Marchio came to Deerfield to visit inmate Leopold T. Ashe. After visitation, Ashe was searched and was reportedly found to have surgical mask containing suspected drugs.

VADOC Drug Task Force launched an investigation, and the department determined that Marchio and Ashe were allegedly conspiring to traffic drugs into the facility during their visit.

Cooke charged both with two counts of possession of unlawful controlled substances, possession of Buprenorphine and Naloxone (Schedule III), and delivery of drugs, firearms, explosives, etc., to prisoners or committed persons.

For a separate incident, Cooke filed charges against inmate Djaun L. Brooks. VADOC reported that on Monday, September 18 security staff searched Brooks bedding area discovered:

  • Five bags containing green, plant-like material
  • 20 packaged pills
  • Suspected Buprenorphine
  • One bottle containing an unknown, clear liquid
  • An unknown, unwrapped pill

As a result, Brooks has been charged three counts of possession of unlawful controlled substances and manufacturing, selling, giving, distributing, or possessing with intent to manufacture, sell, give, or distribute a controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance.

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