Mathews Sheriff’s Office uses drug money to launch an app

Mathews County Sheriff’s Office introduced an app “paid for by your local drug dealer.”

The Sheriff’s Office app is intended to be a two-way channel allowing the Sheriff’s Office to communicate with the public but also allowing individuals to communicate with police.

You know that saying, “See something. Say something”? That’s what MCSO is going for with this app.

MCSO said people can use the app to submit anonymous tips and report suspicious behavior. Users can even snap a picture and send it through the app. Infomation that comes through will be assigned to an investigator or deputy, MCSO stated.

Furthermore, the app allow people to chat directly with a deputy. This will “hopefully stop criminal acts right in the moment,” said MCSO.

And what are some examples of things that people may want to report or share pictures with of?

“Vehicles, tag #’s, drug deals, anything that looks odd,” said MCSO.

And the Sheriff’s Office added, “We will never ask who you are, and any identifying info will be housed by a third party making it truly anonymous.”

In response to concerns that citizens will use the app for racial profile or to prompt harassment of other citizens, MCSO said a person’s interpretation of “suspicious” is much different than a cop’s, and a cop’s perception is what will be the determining factor.

“The elements must be present for suspicious activity to warrant further investigation,” said MCSO.

The Sheriff’s Office also noted that they’ve already thought about and prepared for instances where people may want to misuse the app. “

We are a small office and cannot waste our resources on unwarranted complaints. If someone is making repeated false complaints without merit. We would have the capability to flag those if they were to become a problem,” MCSO said.

On the other side of the coin, MCSO said it will use the app to notify users of things like road closures, hazardous situations, threats to the community/schools, and inclement weather. The notifications will come through like text messages.

According to MCSO, this app was paid for with forfeited funds from drug cases.

It’s available for download from Google Play and The App Store.

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